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Photo Business News & Forum: Louis vs. Apple - Settled?
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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Louis vs. Apple - Settled?

There appears to be news on the copyright infringement front. Back in July, I reported, in Louis vs. Apple (July 5, 2007) that respected photographer Louis Psihoyos was suing Apple over copyright infringement over the photo on the right. Check the previous article I wrote for the alleged infringing image that Apple used. As I quoted Apple Insider back then:
According to the complaint, both Apple and the photographer had been negotiating a license for the image in advance of the Apple TV ad campaign. Apple backed out of any such deal, but promptly began using the imagery anyway, Psihoyos' attorney Richard Kaudy wrote. In doing so, he added, Apple knowingly tossed aside the "rights and feelings" of the plaintiff and deprived him of potential profits.
Now, Information Week is reporting:
A Colorado photographer who sued Apple over images used in commercials to promote the iPhone and Apple TV has dropped the complaint, raising the possibility that he's reached a settlement with the digital media company.

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Court records show that Louis Psihoyos withdrew his copyright lawsuit against Apple in early October and that the case has since been dismissed "with prejudice" -- a legal term meaning the lawsuit can't be re-filed.

Attorneys often agree to withdraw a case with prejudice following a settlement. Psihoyos said in an e-mail Monday that he wouldn't comment on the case
As someone who may or may not have signed a settlement agreement in the past, which would preclude me, or the other party from discussing the settlement terms, or that there even was a settlement, Information Week probably has got it right here.

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