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Photo Business News & Forum: SportsShooter's Protecting You Against Image Theft!
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Thursday, September 27, 2007

SportsShooter's Protecting You Against Image Theft!

When you travel with the President, you're inside a very tight protective circle, and it seems fairly calm, relatively speaking. However, what you don't realize is that if the President is on a boat, there are scuba divers below the water, if he's in a helicopter, there are other aircraft on the horizon, and high above protecting his every move. You never see these protective measures, and I'm not revealing anything that's not obvious when observed from the outside, but when you're inside, you just might now see everything. Today, I'm "inside the bubble" as security is preparing for the PBS Presidential Debate outside of Baltimore, so security is top-of-mind for me right now, thus, the reference to security as above.

Earlier today, I made a post about an article on SportsShooter Worth The Read - "I Shut Down The Little Rock Airport", and rather than copy their logo over to my site, where the URL would look like this:

I simply copied the link from SportsShooter's home page, and it looked like this:

If you're a frequent visitor to Sportshooter, as I am, that image is in my cache, and so it loaded without a problem. But with over 1,000 people viewing the blog today alone, the protective measures of SS kicked in, protecting their logo, just as they would protect someone from hot-linking to a photo you have in your portfolio on their site. Further, it just wasn't a "no image found" broken link, but rather, the genius behind the Sportshooter programming is that when they see heavy hits on a single image, they actually swap out the hot-linked photo for this graphic:

Nice huh? So, if you're worried about your images being hot-linked, rest assured that they've not only got your back covered, but have a nice little message for the thiefs. These are protective measures that, as with the President, you never know exist, but are none-the-less in place to keep your images secure. In my case, it was their logo, about their story, I've since fixed the issue, but I think you'll find it reassuring that they're looking out for you in ways you may not be aware of.

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