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Photo Business News & Forum: Go Jimmy Lo!
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Go Jimmy Lo!

Jim LoScalzo is a remarkable photographer. Probably much to Jim LoScalzo's chagrin, I call him that Jimmy Lo when I'm in a good mood, or excited. He probably doesn't like it, but, I have great regard for him, and his work, and I am just so damn excited for him I can't stand it!

Spend 9 minutes of your life (in two parts), below, watching what Jim has put together. Yes yes, he's award winning -- lots of them. Yes yes, he's produced amazing photos, but more importantly, he has grasped the reins of life and is living it, and he's realized it's not about the awards, it's about something as existential as his existence. Here's Part I:

And, here is Part 2:

In it, near the end, he voices over the images, in part-
"The [2004] campaign was...mine to as hell...yet this time, for the first time, it was easy to back out. Not a guilty concession, but what I truly wanted......Not time wasted, but time overplayed. Trying to inflate a finiteability through sheer force of will. How to stop moving. It was about accepting a simply truth, in the world of photojournalism, I would always be a man of minor accomplishments...."
After many years travelling to and fro, country to country, state to state, and empty remote hotel room to third-world trainstation floor, I too sought a reasoned, sanely-paced life, but, I did have a plan back then. Back in February, on this blog, near the end of this post about working hard early with a plan to take a breath after awhile, I said something similar in sentiment to what Jim said above, which is worth repeating, in parallel to Jim's, as insight into and an example of a path worth taking, a road less travelled that is worth seeking out to travel upon:
I love what I do. I can't imagine doing anything else. I am so very grateful for whatever station in life I am at, and wherever in life I end up. ...I am blessed that I am not so "nose to the grindstone" now, but, in some odd way, I had the faith that, just as a farmer does when he plants a seed...that one day, his hard work will be rewarded...that one day, it would be not so time consuming. So far, so good.
And, while I was busy writing my book, Jim put together this one - Evidence of My Existence which is coming out on November 1st, but which you can pre-order now on Amazon, so, go over, and click-it and get it! Jim's story, as teased in the videos, is about finding balance, and focusing on life, life is about living it, experiencing it. Jim has found evidence of his own existence. Yea!
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