On Demand is StockShop's newest feature. Can't find exactly what you're looking for? Let one of our talented photographers capture it for you!
(Continued after the Jump)
Are you kidding me?Wasn't it already tried by several companies who, no doubt, have smart people working for them? This idea is (and remains) just plain bad. However, I guess this is what happens when people have time on their hands, and decide they will fill it with "custom stock" projects. Projects that, quite frankly, are ASSIGNMENTS that should be commissioned by the clients, with all expenses paid, and so forth.
We wrote back in July of 2007 - OnRequest - Realizing the Obvious, "David Norris, the head of OnRequest, after building a business around the CustomStock Model...said of the CustomStock model:"
"that model was interesting, but didn't pan out."And again, the refrain rises: WELL, OF COURSE IT DIDN'T!
Yet, again, we have a company that thinks they can do it better. Think again.
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